Noble County - Meet our Staff/Partners
By visiting our center, you can get assistance with: Job Search Assistance, Employer Assistance, Resume & Interviewing Assistance, Telephone & Internet Usage, Labor Market Information, Career Assessments, Information and referrals to other partner programs and services and other valuable services
Staff you may work with include:
Debra Bradley, Resource Room Specialist, Noble Co. Dept. of Job & Family Services
Works with job seekers, youth & employers who enter the resource room. (i.e. job search, labor market info, referrals to partner programs, etc.)
Teiara Sailing is the WIOA Supervisor, Noble Co. Dept. of Job & Family Services
Supervises the workforce department and works with job seekers, youth & employers who enter the resource room. (i.e. job search, labor market info, referrals to partner programs, etc.).
Cindy Frederickson, Eligibility & Referral Specialist, Noble Co. Dept. of Job & Family Services
Assists job seekers utilizing the Resource Room & providing information on the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act for training.
Kristen Tewksbury - Eligibility & Referral Specialists, Noble Co. Dept. of Job & Family Services
Assists job seekers utilizing the Resource Room & providing information on the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act for training. Deedra.
Michelle Finch, Re-employment Specialist, Ohio Valley Employment Resource
RESEA Specialist and general resource room as assistance.
Mike Meadows, Rehabilitation Counselor
Works with job seekers & youth who have disabilities, assisting them with job search, labor market info, and referrals to partner programs, etc. She also works with employers to help find solutions for reasonable accommodation for new disabled employees.
Diana Hall, Aspire/Adult Basic and Literacy Education Instructor
Offers free classes to help adults prepare for high school equivalency, college entrance, and job placement testing.
Dr. Anthony M. Huffman, ED.D, Director, Adult Technical Training at Washington County Career Center
Provider who offers a variety of information about education opportunities.
Misty Wells, Director, Noble Co. Dept. of Job & Family Services and OMJ Center. Oversees administration, management, and coordination of all One-Stop activities.